
October 06, 2024

Leading a Midwifery Practice: How and Why

10:00 am - 2:00 pm ET

October 6 &7, 2024 For midwifery practice leaders (and aspiring leaders). Explores components of leadership, financial management, strategic planning, staffing, quality management, and performance evaluation. Participants will receive a workbook that includes all workshop slides, example forms for processes discussed, and worksheets to outline their own next steps and action plans.This is an 8-hour workshop split between two days (Sunday and Monday). This course will provide opportunities to engage an in-depth exploration of what maintaining a midwifery practice entails.

Pre-workshop activities are located in the resources tab on the 'live event' page.

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Midwives-PAC Rally

5:30 PM ET


Purchase your ticket today to the 2024 Midwives-PAC rally on October 6, 2024 at 5:30 pm EST.


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October 07, 2024

Midwifery Week 2024 - Why midwives stay and why midwives leave: Sustaining the midwifery workforce

2:30 PM ET

Almost a quarter of AMCB-certified midwives report not working in the discipline of midwifery. While burnout gets a lot of attention in the media, the process of leaving (and staying in) midwifery is complex and oftentimes painful. This session will explore the reasons why midwives leave practice and offer individual, organizational, and societal-level strategies to retain midwives based on ten years of research about midwives' professional well-being.

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October 08, 2024

Midwifery Week 2024 - Midwifery Care for the Incarcerated Population : addressing unique challenges and promoting individualized care

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm ET

As of 2024 there are approximately 200,000 incarcerated women in the US. It is estimated that upwards of 10% may be pregnant. Each incarcerated person has unique health care needs that are best served by a clinician with a trauma informed care approach and a consideration for reproductive justice. This workshop will present a midwifery program that provides full scope care in the carceral setting, review specific considerations for this population, and discus why midwives are uniquely qualified to provide care for incarcerated individuals

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October 10, 2024

Midwifery Week 2024 - Supporting Pelvic Health in Peri-Menopausal Women: Collaboration Between Pelvic Floor Physical Therapists and Midwives.

This presentation will focus on the role of pelvic floor physical therapy during peri-menopause, highlighting how pelvic health changes during this transitional phase. We will address common issues midwives may encounter in their patients, such as pelvic pain, incontinence, prolapse, and sexual dysfunction - and discuss how pelvic floor physical therapy can be a critical intervention. Topics will include hormonal changes, the impact of estrogen on pelvic tissue, and how pelvic floor PT can help manage symptoms through tailored exercises, manual therapy, and lifestyle modifications. The goal is to equip midwives with tools and knowledge to support their patients in peri-menopause.

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Midwifery Week 2024 - Osteoporosis: The Bare Bones

2:00 PM ET

This presentation will provide an introduction to osteoporosis, including pathophysiology, risk factors, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. There will be emphasis on prevention, and the importance of early detection and management to prevent fractures and associated morbidity and mortality. By the end of the lecture, participants should have a basic understanding of osteoporosis, from its underlying mechanisms to the latest treatment options and preventive strategies.

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October 11, 2024

Midwifery Week 2024 - HITECH Policy Recommendations for the Next Administration Centering Moms, Midwifery & Birth Centers

12:00 PM ET

The 2024 election reflects a stark crossroads in the investment in women's health, maternal child health and health information technology. The speaker will highlight the policy and funding gaps in the Office of the National Coordinator (now Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy) federal policy framework for pregnancy, birth and post-partum care. The speaker will provide non-partisian recommendations on practical HITECH policy and funding that would benefit federal, state, and employers, while centering women's self-determination and privacy.

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Midwifery Week 2024 - The Epigenetic Impact of Childbirth: An Emerging Hypothesis

3:00 PM ET

This presentation will examine emerging evidence about potential epigenetic effects of care practices and interventions in childbirth. The thrifty phenotype hypothesis poses that there are critical windows of development both in utero and childhood which are associated with development of disease later in life. For example, poor nutrition of the fetus and infant during early development programs gene expression and the metabolic profile of the offspring to anticipate a life of starvation. The programming, meant to be protective, becomes hazardous later in life and can be passed onto future generations. The EPIIC hypothesis posits that eustress during the window of the actual labor and birth is protective by assuring that the hormonal physiology is supported and undisturbed.

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October 30, 2024

Ankyloglossia and Breastfeeding: Tongue Tie: What is it? and Why might it matter

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm ET

As Midwives, we are often the first line of breastfeeding support and the first ones to assess difficulties. It is crucial to know about, and be able to assess for potential contributors to poor latch, and poor milk transfer such as tongue tie.

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November 01, 2024

The Inaugural Indiana Midwife Retreat & Conference

November 1 to 3, 2024

Educational Sessions Include:

  • Midwife utilization in Indiana
  • Empowering Nurses in the Legislative Process
  • Communication workshop
  • Improving intimate violence screening & management
  • Implementing Holistic Postpartum Care
  • Treatment of OB Hypertensive Crises
  • Inclusive Language in Perinatal Care
  • Social Support for Perinatal Mental Health
  • Preventing and Treating PTSD in Birth Workers

Registration Link Coming Soon!

ACNM Events Calendar

Welcome to the ACNM Events Calendar. If you would like to submit your affiliate or regional event to be listed here, please send info to [email protected].

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American College of Nurse-Midwives
409 12th St SW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20024-2188
Phone: 240.485.1800
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